Fun facts about animals
They are nocturnal. This means they sleep during the day and come out at night.
Hedgehogs have around 5000 to 7000 spines on their back. Each quill/ spine lasts about a year before dropping out and being replaced. When threatened, a hedgehog curls into a ball to protect its soft belly.
Hedgehogs get ill when they drink milk. Never leave milk outside. Clean water is fine and useful especially in dry weather.
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Tawny Owls
Tawny owls are nocturnal birds of prey. They are mainly active at night. They are medium sized and roughly the same size as a woodpigeon. They have dark eyes.
A baby owl is called an owlet.
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Foxes are distant relatives of wolves.
They are a little bit bigger than a cat.
Foxes are omnivores, meaning they eat almost anything from rabbits, birds, berries, worms to spiders and jam sandwiches.
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Deer are herbivores, means they eat plants.
A group of deer is called a herd.
A male deer is a buck.
A female deer is a doe.
Bucks grow antlers every year which fall off in winter.
Deer can run up to 30 miles per hour to escape a predator.
There are many different breeds of deer.
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There are over 1000 species of bats in the world.
18 currently in the UK.
Bats use sound to ‘see’ in the dark. This is called echolocation and is pretty cool.
Bats are the only flying mammals.
They can fly very fast at more than 60 miles/hour.
Most megabats are fruit-eaters, while most microbats eat insects. Some bats drink nectar and eat pollen, a few suck blood and some eat larger prey such as lizards, frogs, and fish.
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A group of squirrels is called a dray or a scurry.
Baby squirrels are called pups, kittens or kits.
In Greek the word squirrel means shadow tail.
Squirrels have four very sharp front teeth which never stop growing which is useful as they keep nibbling away at acorns, nuts and berries.
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There are only three types of snakes that currently live in Great Britain. The adder, the grass snake and the smooth snake.
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